Green buildings: a worldwide overview on leed, breeam and green star certifications / Green buildings: uma análise do panorama mundial das certificações leed, breeam e green star


  • Kelwin Pereira da Silva
  • Karen Niccoli Ramirez



Sustainability, Green Building, Sustainability Certifications.


Sustainable development is an increasingly relevant theme. Civil Construction is responsible for much of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. Within this context, the design, construction, and operation of the well-known green buildings has allowed the application of sustainability concepts to achieve environmental, social and economic benefits in civil construction. Since 1990, certifications have emerged as a way for the market to attest the performance of buildings through specific criteria. Although there are many certifications, the purpose of this research is to perform a comparative analysis between three of them; LEED, Green Star and BREEAM. The methodology used in this research was the investigation of bibliographical references on the subject through analysis of websites, theses, scientific papers and historical series of open databases. Thus, this article seeks to provide objective data and criteria for comparison between the three certifications considering a worldwide scenario and to address the existing knowledge gap in the Brazilian market regarding international environmental certifications.


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How to Cite

da Silva, K. P., & Ramirez, K. N. (2021). Green buildings: a worldwide overview on leed, breeam and green star certifications / Green buildings: uma análise do panorama mundial das certificações leed, breeam e green star. Brazilian Journal of Development, 7(8), 82761–82778.



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